AMP connects artists and behind-the-scenes collaborators of all genres, including musicians, painters, performance artists, writers, dancers, and many more, with resources, opportunities, and personal connections. Many AMPers also provide free temporary lodging for other members. With thousands of members in 86 countries, AMP enthusiastically and energetically builds bridges between artists, audiences, and producers through our website, as well as at AMP-hosted parties and multimedia events worldwide. AMP is free to join. The only 'cost' is your energy and enthusiasm in building a global artistic community and helping fellow artists.
ch0o on this's picture

Why the Long Face

Why the Long Face

Acrylic on Canvas board

You can find more of my stuff at

Andy Ender's picture

Matter of course / Selbstverständlichkeit


AMP's picture

Los Angeles Area TAG Gallery Seeking New Artists

Gallery Seeking New Artists

TAG Gallery, a successful artists' co-op located in Santa Monica,
offers a selection of art including paintings, sculptures, and
photography created by local emerging and established artists. The
gallery is currently seeking artists who have a strong body of work
and professional work ethic.

As a member of TAG you will have one four week show a year, have
access to our mailing list, be included in our newsletter, have
images and bio on our website and have the opportunity to build your
mailing list and attract new buyers. TAG has been in operation since
1993 and has built a strong following from the community. Our
receptions are well attended and we enjoy consistent press exposure.

AMP's picture

Songsalive! CD Sampler10 - Call for Submissions

Songsalive! CD Sampler10 - Call for Submissions

Songsalive! CD Sampler 10 wants your hottest hit song! Now taking song submissions for our successful promotional compilation CD.


Apply through Sonicbids or direct with Songsalive!

Wanna get on the best compilation for songwriters? Our track record proves it!

A unique way to pitch, license or get radio airplay of your music worldwide.


Songsalive! CD Sampler 10 - GET ON IT NOW!


Deadline November 30, 2008


Making compilation Cds of songwriters' compositions since 1997

- exposure of great talent to the world's music markets -

lamberto's picture

Our Planet Earth is asking for PEACE!

...if every individual cannot find inner happiness, the world cannot attain PEACE!

— lamberto

lamberto's picture

find your inner happiness

find your inner happiness
AMP's picture

Call for Entries: Topanga Canyon Gallery (Los Angeles) (deadline November 7)

Call for Entries

Topanga Canyon Gallery 8th Annual Juried Show with Juror Laddie John Dill.

Deadline for entries Nov 7.

Cash awards and $25 entry fee.

Show runs from Jan 7 – Feb 1 2009.

All accepted pieces must be hand delivered.

Download a prospectus at or
call Rebecca Andrews at 310 455-2345.

This was posted on LA Culture Net's Yahoo! Groups listserv.

lindakentartist's picture

3 of Swords veryshopped; pencil,colored pencil, phoshop 2005-2008

3 of Swords veryshopped; pencil,colored pencil, phoshop 2005-2008

see other tarot cards here for info

YourPR's picture

Listen to YourPR and then produce your own episode!!!

Listen to YourPR and then produce your own episode!!!

YourPR ( has posted a new item, 'DavidDunnPR'

This episode is produced by David Wayne Dunn… a journey into the poet’s streaming conscious…

You can hear more from David Wayne Dunn by listening to YourPR’s episode Surrender to the Muse:

Check out:::

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

YourPR's picture

Listen to YourPR and then produce your own episode!!!

Listen to YourPR and then produce your own episode!!!

YourPR ( has posted a new item, 'DavidDunnPR'

This episode is produced by David Wayne Dunn… a journey into the poet’s streaming conscious…

You can hear more from David Wayne Dunn by listening to YourPR’s episode Surrender to the Muse:

Check out:::

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

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