AMP connects artists and behind-the-scenes collaborators of all genres, including musicians, painters, performance artists, writers, dancers, and many more, with resources, opportunities, and personal connections. Many AMPers also provide free temporary lodging for other members. With thousands of members in 86 countries, AMP enthusiastically and energetically builds bridges between artists, audiences, and producers through our website, as well as at AMP-hosted parties and multimedia events worldwide. AMP is free to join. The only 'cost' is your energy and enthusiasm in building a global artistic community and helping fellow artists.
YourPR's picture

An Interview Episode of YourPR

In this episode of YourPR, an interview episode, James Tobkin talks about a Mayan Calendar and its reflection and insight into our times:

More information on the Mayan Calendar:

More information on the 6th Day which started on the 13th of November:

For links and more detailed information, email James Tobkin at:

Thanks for listening,

Bea Garth's picture

Eos: The Creative Context

I edit a blog called Eos: The Creative Context on Wordpress. It is at:
I feature art, poetry and commentary and am always looking for new work.

aanji's picture

coy crowd

coy crowd
lindakentartist's picture

Letter To Mr E: Birds Are Ears (with TinaOppenheimer Wings):pen, ink, watercolors; nov08

Letter To Mr  E: Birds Are  Ears (with TinaOppenheimer Wings):pen, ink, watercolors; nov08

I've started drawing my e-mails and e-mailing the drawings.
Tina Oppenheimer (AMPster) drew the wings; I added the rest and colored it in.

Stelle's picture



With a wrench you can interactively change the work to explore concepts of geometry, form, inside/outside and interactivity itself. It's kinetic in that it responds to humans playing with it.
(Painted plywood, about 4 feet high in this configuration)

lindakentartist's picture

TomatoMan Detail2 (WIP); pen,ink,watercolors; nov 2008

TomatoMan Detail2 (WIP); pen,ink,watercolors; nov 2008

Self-explanatory -- an out-of-context comment on the safety of our food supply and a silent plea to the invisible madcow God, with a hidden subtext on the thumbnail brutality of prehistoric man, and, if you hold it a certain way, a censored biography of Benjamin Twiller.

lindakentartist's picture

TomatoMan,Detail (WIP); pen, ink watercolor; nov 2008

TomatoMan,Detail (WIP); pen, ink watercolor; nov 2008

Self-explanatory -- a detail of a crushingcomment on the safety of our food supply and a silent plea to the invisible madcow God, with a subtext on the brutality of prehistoric man, and, if you hold it a certain way, an excerpt from a biography of Benjamin Twiller

lindakentartist's picture

TomatoMan (WIP);pen,ink,watercolor; nov 2008

TomatoMan (WIP);pen,ink,watercolor; nov 2008

Self-explanatory -- a comment on the safety of our food supply and a silent plea to the invisible madcow God, with a subtext on the brutality of prehistoric man, and, if you hold it a certain way, a biography of Benjamin Twiller.

lindakentartist's picture

OppenheimerWingsMyFace,VeryShooped; pen, ink, watercolor,Phoshop; 2008

OppenheimerWingsMyFace,VeryShooped; pen, ink, watercolor,Phoshop;  2008

Tina Oppenheimer drew the wings; I turened it sideways and added the face, colored it in and photoshod it.

J.A. Spahr-Summers's picture

Candace Byington and Amy Kohut - Featured Artists in Unlikley 2.0

The November Multi-Media issue of Unlikely 2.0 is now online...

Featuring art by Candace Byington and Amy Kohut



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