Milka Bliznakov Research Prize: Women in Architecture

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Milka Bliznakov Research Prize

International Archive of Women in Architecture Center
IAWA Center Executive Committee
201 Cowgill Hall (0205), Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061
United States
t 1-(540) 231-9525

Deadline for receipt of proposals:
May 1st, 2013

International Archive of Women in Architecture Center
Call for Proposals:
The Milka Bliznakov Research Prize
Deadline for receipt of proposals: May 1st, 2013

The IAWA Center invites architects, scholars, professionals, students, and researchers to honor IAWA founder Milka Bliznakov through research on women in architecture and related design fields. This research, in concert with the preservation efforts of the IAWA, will help fill the current void in historical knowledge about women's professional achievements. The archive encourages such research in addition to the goal of preserving archival materials related to the work of women who shaped the designed environment, thus preserving for posterity a record of their achievements.
The Board of Advisors of the International Archive of Women in Architecture Center (IAWA) presents this Annual Prize of $2500 (with an additional $500 available for travel) following a two-stage process:

In Stage One, applicants submit their proposal, which outlines the work they plan to complete at the Archive, and should include the following elements:
1. Outline of research to be completed
2. Proposed schedule for residency to include a talk open to the university community and the general public
3. Intended product of research, a copy of which is to be donated to the archive upon completion. Examples of the product of research may include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Research paper
• Self-published book documenting the activities and work of the residency
• Notebook or sketchbook produced during the residency
• Visual or physical original work that references or utilizes research from the Archive

A 500-word proposal with curriculum vitae must be received or postmarked by May 1st, 2013. The proposal should be submitted both electronically as a PDF, and as a hardcopy by mail.
Proposals may include an original project, research, or scholarly work that contributes to and advances the recognition of women's contributions in design. The proposal shall draw upon and expand the IAWA collections to reflect upon the broader context of women's contributions in the field of design. The product of the work should be specified in the proposal.

The IAWA Jury awards the Milka Bliznakov Research Prize for the research proposal that best demonstrates an important advancement to the recognition of women's contributions to architecture and the related design fields while encouraging the use and growth of the International Archive of Women in Architecture. The winner will be announced by June 15th. The final project must be completed by Dec. 15th, 2013. The final project will become a part of the Archive to contribute to the historical record.

The prize money will be awarded in two installments: the first $1250 will be made available to the recipient upon arrival at the IAWA for the residency period, and the second $1250 will be paid upon receipt of the final product. Up to $500 will be available to support travel and residency expenses. If further information is required, please contact Helene Renard,

Proposals should be sent to:

IAWA Center Executive Committee
ATTN: Helene Renard, RA
Chair, Milka Bliznakov Prize
School of Architecture + Design
201 Cowgill Hall (0205)
College of Architecture + Urban Studies
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061

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