Leslie Scalapino Award for Innovative Women Playwrights, deadline May 30

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Deadline May 30, 2013

In memory of Leslie Scalapino, her extraordinary body of work, and her
commitment to the community of experimental writing and performance.

The Leslie Scalapino Award recognizes the importance of exploratory
approaches and an innovative spirit in writing for performance. It wishes
to encourage women writers who are taking risks with the playwriting form by
offering the opportunity to gain wider exposure through readings and
productions. The award will also seek to increase public awareness for this
vibrant contemporary field.

We are looking for a full-length work for live performance by a woman writer
with an inquiring approach to language and content. The Award for
Innovative Women Playwrights intends to support new writing by
female-identified people, inclusive of transwomen. The prize is open to
international submissions in English.
The Prize: The winner will receive a $2,500 cash prize, print publication of
winning play by Litmus Press, and a staged reading of the piece this October
at the The New Ohio Theatre in New York, by Fiona Templeton's company The
Relationship. In subsequent years, the prize will also include the
opportunity for a full production by The Relationship or another theatre

Deadline: May 30, 2013
IMPORTANT: For full submission guidelines, including timeline and
instructions for online submission of materials (via Submittable), please
visit The Relationship's Award page page.

The Leslie Scalapino Award for Innovative Women Playwrights is funded in
part by the Leslie Scalapino-O Books Fund and is administered by The
Relationship. Publication of award-winning works will be in collaboration
with Litmus Press. For more information about Leslie Scalapino, please visit
her website: www.lesliescalapino.com.

from Franklin Furnace