Clearly, I've never had any formal art instruction. I drew the originals (shown after these) in colored pencil on 3x5 index cards. Then I scanned and SmartBlurred them in Pho'sho'. Then last yearI went and re- 'shopped the Higher Arcana...
more of my line drawings on AMP under 'line drawings' and at:
I never had any formal art instruction (whatever that is).. I don't know what I'm drawing till it's done. And even then I don't necessarily know. I almost always draw directly with ink. These are unusual because I colored them in with some cheap colored pencils...All these pictures are on normal size paper, 8x11ish, usually from one to six faces crammed on a page.
Call for Entries - LAAA'S OPEN SHOW Deadline 10/18/08>
Gallery 825 825 N. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90069
Tel, 310.652.8272 / fax 310.652.9251
Gallery Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10am - 5pm
Eligibility: Competition open to all artists living in Southern California.
Entries must be work created within the last three years.
Media: All media. No craft or functional pieces.
*For video: please send
1/2 VHS,NTSC or DVD and make sure tape or disc is cued. Accepted video
artists must provide their own equipment/monitors, projectors, VHS, DVD
player, etc.‹and tapes/discs must be set up for continuous play.
same thing smartblurred. This was brush and ink colored in w/ colored pencil...
I like the original (next image) better because I like lines&}√
I never had any formal art instruction. I don't know what I'm drawing till it's done.
And even then I don't necessarily know. I almost always draw directly with ink.
All these pictures are on normal size paper, 8x11ish, usually from one to six faces crammed on a page.
I never had any formal art instruction. I don't know what I'm drawing till it's done.
And even then I don't necessarily know. I almost always draw directly with ink.
All these pictures are on normal size paper, 8x11ish, usually from one to six faces crammed on a page.
I never had any formal art instruction. I don't know what I'm drawing till it's done.
And even then I don't necessarily know. I almost always draw directly with ink. These I colored in...and tried mixing brushes and pens.
All these pictures are on normal size paper, 8x11ish, usually from one to six faces crammed on a page. These 2 are engagingly tacked up next to each other..
Same one smartblurred. I never used to do color but actually have learned something about it by messing about with PS.
I never had any formal art instruction. I don't know what I'm drawing till it's done.
And even then I don't necessarily know. I almost always draw directly with ink.
All these pictures are on normal size paper, 8x11ish, usually from one to six faces crammed on a page. These 2 are engagingly tacked up next to each other..
I never had any formal art instruction. I don't know what I'm drawing till it's done.
And even then I don't necessarily know. I almost always draw directly with ink.
All these pictures are on normal size paper, 8x11ish, usually from one to six faces crammed on a page. If I hate the other drawings, I cut them out.
I like this woman's lips.