International Theatre Methods Festival-Fair, Slovenia, July 2009

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Present your performance or workshop

at the International Festival-Fair

Between Tradition and Contemporaneity

July 6-12, 2009
Bovec, Slovenia

"Theatre Methods" is the annual professional festival-fair dedicated to the Bridge between Tradition and Contemporaneity in performing arts. The festival is an opportunity to demonstrate methods of training in traditional theatre and to present contemporary works created as the result of traditional theatre training techniques.

At the moment THEATRE METHODS 09 has been accepting presentation proposals.

Presentation format:
‧ performance (not requiring special technical conditions)
‧ workshop/master class
‧ work in progress
‧ reading/lecture
‧ any other way of demonstration to the presenter's discretion.

The festival will take place at the mountain resort Bovec - in the Julian Alps, near Austrian and Italian border. Nearest airports: Ljubljana (Slovenia), Trieste (Italy) or Klagenfurt (Austria).

Please become familiar with the Submission Guidelines before submitting your presentation proposal:

The festival committee is considering proposals in appropriate standard only. Links to web sites are not considered as the complete application.