10 Minute Musicals Wanted!!!

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10-Minute Musicals Wanted: The Blank Theatre Company is producing an
evening of new 10-Minute Musicals for a special musical theater night of the
company's Living Room Series. The Blank Theatre Company's Living Room
Series puts new work up on its feet in the form of fully staged readings- a
unique opportunity for writers to experience their latest projects coming
alive, for talented, participating artists to stretch their boundaries, and
for enthusiastic audiences to be the first to see brand new work. The
10-Minute Musical Evening will take place in the spring of 2009. Please
email scripts and digital song recordings to Israel@theblank.com and visit
http://www.theblank.com for more information about the company.


Sara Israel

Literary Manager


The Blank Theatre Company

P.O. Box 38756

Hollywood, CA 90026


This was posted on the LA Culture Net Yahoo! Groups listserv.