Call for artists, Changing times Tap Initiative, deadline March 15

AMP's picture

from Franklin Furnace

The Changing Times Tap Dance Company, Inc. is excited to share we are now accepting applications for the 2025-26 cycle of the Changing Times Tap Initiative.

Since 1979, artistic director Jane Goldberg has worked to fulfill the company's mission: to develop, produce, and present the creation of new tap dancing work, entertain and educate the public about tap dance history, and preserve and maintain one of America's only indigenous dance forms.

Examples of projects eligible for the initiative include tap-related choreography, live performances, festivals, sponsored educational activities (ie. tap classes), podcasts, research and writing (books, articles on tap), archives, and films.

Criteria for Selection: The primary focus of your project must be in alignment with Changing Time's Tap's mission to preserve, promote, research, create and/or perform tap dance as well as express originality, innovation, and feasibility. Applicants must have a prior history of engagement with tap dance activities of three or more years. Awardees will be selected by an anonymous panel of professionals in the field of tap dance. Successful projects will be awarded stipends ranging from $1,000 to $3,000. Projects must take place between May 1, 2025 and April 30, 2026.

Application is due March 15th at 11:59pm.

Apply now:

Thank you.