Call for artists, International Human Rights Art Festival, Manhattan, deadline Aug. 15

AMP's picture

from Franklin Furnace

December 9-15, 2024

The Tank

312 W. 36th Street, NY, NY

Call for submissions!

Submission window open until August 15.

Full call here:

Please note:

the performances must be fully produced by you; IHRAF is a presenting platform.

Considering performances 10-20 minutes long!

We accept just one proposal for each application.

Submit all work to

We are jurying work with the following interests, for performance blocks:

Climate Change Action



Celebration of Women/Women in Power

Celebration of Black Men/Undiscovered Women


With Love from Africa

Any other social justice concerns you might have!

Plus: Two Ten Minute Play Festivals

All accepted performers will receive:

Performance stipends of $100-$200, depending on the length of the piece.

PR and marketing support

30-minute tech rehearsal

Festival TD and SM

Free photographic documentation of your performance

Free video documentation of your performance

…and bragging rights as participants in this vital and growing NYC creative-activist institution!


Please email our Festival Assistant Producer Costanza Bugiani at with the following:

A brief description of your piece, including approximate running time - we’re accepting 10-20 mins works.

A cover letter, including details regarding the piece’s discipline, issue of concern treated and a brief summary of your artistic goals

Your bios or resumes and the names of any collaborators already on board

A sample of work (scripts, pics, videos, songs, any other links or file that could help us to know more about your project)

As the email subject, please type IHRAFestival 2024, then add Association-Company-your name (i.e. IHRAFestival 2024, Joan Doe)

Please note:

Work may not have been produced within the last year in NYC, or be scheduled in the next six months of December 15, 2024.

The performances must be fully produced by you; IHRAF is a presenting platform.

We accept one proposal for each application.

Also, let us know if you already had part of our previous festivals as a performer or in the audience!

We are encouraging New York and Tri-state area-based artists. Unfortunately, we cannot cover any travel/lodging expenses.

And, remember, there are NO fees for submission!