Call for applications: VISIO Production Fund

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from e-flux

Application deadline: July 9, 2024

Lo Schermo dell’Arte announces the open call for the 13th edition of VISIO - European Programme on Artists’ Moving Images, a research, residency and production programme dedicated to young artists who use moving images in their artistic practice.

The project, curated by Leonardo Bigazzi, will be held in Florence in conjunction with the 17th edition of Lo Schermo dell’Arte - Cinema and Contemporary Art Festival, from November 13 to 17, 2024. Eight selected artists will be invited to Florence to develop their own original projects during an intensive programme of mentoring sessions, round tables and individual meetings, in dialogue with international curators and artists.

VISIO confirms its commitment in supporting younger generations of artists with the new edition of the VISIO Production Fund, a 35,000 EUR production fund conceived in partnership with Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci (Prato), Fondazione In Between Art Film (Rome), and FRAC Bretagne (Rennes). Thanks to the support of Human Company, a historic enterprise and reference point in Italy for openair hospitality, the VISIO Production Fund 2024 has been increased by 5,000 EUR and, for the first time, reimbursement of participating artists’ travel expenses will be provided.

The selected participants will develop their projects with mentors Fernanda Brenner, artistic director Pivô (São Paulo) and lead advisor Kadist (Paris) and Valentine Umansky, curator Tate Modern (London). Other guests of the programme include the artist Diego Marcon and representatives of the project partner institutions: Etienne Bernard, director FRAC Bretagne; Stefano Collicelli Cagol, director Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci; Alessandro Rabottini, artistic director Fondazione In Between Art Film. The funds will eventually be awarded to three winning artists who will work with Leonardo Bigazzi and Lo Schermo dell’Arte team to produce and premiere the films at the Festival in 2025. An artist’s edition of each work will become part of the permanent collection of the project’s partner institutions, which are committed to promote and exhibit them in the following years.

The deadline to apply is Tuesday July 9, 2024. All information on the application process and conditions can be found at the following link:

The programme of the Festival’s 17th edition will consist of over 30 artists’ films and international documentaries on contemporary art presented as world and Italian premieres, in the presence of the authors. Garrett Bradley is the protagonist of the Focus On section that Lo Schermo dell’Arte dedicates every year to an artist who has distinguished himself or herself in the innovative and experimental use of cinematographic language. This year’s edition will feature works by Sergio Caballero, Diego Marcon, Rosalind Nashashibi, Agnieszka Polska, Maryam Tafakory and the 14-hour film exergue - on documenta 14 by Dimitris Athiridis, among others. The programme also includes the world premieres of the works produced through the VISIO Production Fund 2023 by the artists Andro Eradze, Timoteus Anggawan Kusno and Valentin Noujaïm.

The selection of the VISIO participants is realized in partnership with Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera (Milan), AV-arkki (Helsinki), Careof (Milan), Cité internationale des arts (Paris), De Ateliers (Amsterdam), Gasworks (London), Hangar (Barcelona), Künstlerhaus Bethanien (Berlin), Le Fresnoy-Studio national des arts contemporains (Tourcoing), Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten (Amsterdam), Spike Island (Bristol), Städelschule (Frankfurt), Villa Romana (Florence), WIELS Contemporary Art Centre (Brussels).

Lo Schermo dell’Arte, directed by Silvia Lucchesi, is a project born in Florence in 2008 dedicated to the exploration, analysis and promotion of the relationships between contemporary art, moving images and cinema. Among the international guest artists of the past editions are: Yuri Ancarani, Rosa Barba, Yael Bartana, Phil Collins, Jeremy Deller, Omer Fast, Runa Islam, Peter Greenaway, Alfredo Jaar, Isaac Julien, Hassan Khan, Oliver Laric, Diego Marcon, Sarah Morris, Rabih Mroué, Deimantas Narkevicius, Shirin Neshat, Melik Ohanian, Adrian Paci, Julian Rosefeldt, Roee Rosen, Amie Siegel, Simon Starling, Hito Steyerl, The Otolith Group, Guido van der Werve.

Lo Schermo dell’Arte—Cinema and Contemporary Art Festival 17th edition
Florence, Cinema La Compagnia and other venues: November 13–17, 2024
Streaming on Lo Schermo dell’Arte’s digital channel with MYmovies ONE: November 13–24, 2024

Main supporter: Fondazione CR Firenze
In collaboration with: Fondazione In Between Art Film, Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci,
FRAC Bretagne, MYmovies, Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze
Main sponsor: Gucci
Sponsor: Human Company, B&C Speakers, Findomestic, Unicoop Firenze

The festival is part of the programme 50 Days of Cinema in Florence.