Calling all artists - Nominations now open for SIJCC's Culture Lab!

AMP's picture

The nominating process is now open for Silverlake Independent JCCs newest program, Culture Lab.

Drawing from Los Angeles' rich and diverse artist population, Culture Lab unites five artists (nominated by their peers) from different disciplines to collaborate on the creation of new work inspired by a Jewish theme.

Artists are provided a stunning studio space in Downtown Los Angeles, a working stipend and resources to create their dynamic new piece. Based on the backgrounds and interests of the artists, the SIJCC will connect the Lab with Jewish scholars and experts in collaborative process to enrich their creative experience.

Each four-month long Lab will conclude with a high profile public showing of the work, presented by the SIJCC, engaging the Los Angeles Jewish and arts communities.

For more information or to nominate an artist, please visit

Culture Lab is made possible through a Cutting Edge Grant from The Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles.

from LA Culture Net