Marler Media Art Awards 2013: call for entries

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Marler Media Art Awards 2013: call for entries
Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl
Creiler Platz 1, Rathaus
D-45768 Marl

Submission deadline: 17 May 2013

Marler Media Art Awards 2013: call for entries

Since 1984 the Museum of Sculpture Glaskasten Marl has hosted the Video Art Award, and since 2002 the Sound Art Award, which will be further developed to the EUROPEAN SOUNDART AWARD.

The Museum in Marl has shaped the unique profile of the Marl Media Awards not only through its orientation as a sculpture museum, but also on the strength of its placement in the modernist architecture of the Town Hall, completed in 1966. Because sculpture is a genus to which multifocality and spatial reference are crucial, the video art competition was for the first time launched with a specific substantive focus-for all artists whose video works address questions of spatiality. The works submitted for the Video Art Award must relate thematically, formally or in its presentation to the specific (museum) space. The same idea applies to the parallel competition in sound art. The national restriction has also been dropped, and the new competitions are announced internationally.

The closing date for submissions for both competitions is 17 May 2013.

Two international prize-juries for video art and sound art will select the winners of the Marler Media Art Awards 2013, whose works will be exhibited in the Museum of Sculpture Glaskasten Marl.

The awards ceremony of the Marler Media Art Awards 2013 and the exhibition opening will take place on 20 October 2013 in the Museum of Sculpture Glaskasten Marl.

Marler Video Art Award 2013

The works submitted for the Video Art Award 2013 must relate thematically, formally or in its presentation to the specific (museum) space. Therefore its ideal presentation location should not be a cinema space. The spatial reference here also means avoiding linear narrative structures while featuring a different, non-linear temporal structure, such as a loop, which is ideal for presentation in a museum. While classic, single-channel videos on a monitor or projected on a screen remain acceptable, preference is given to multi-channel installations and installations extended through use of additional materials.

Works submitted must have been produced after January 2010. Twenty works will be selected by the jury for the exhibition in the museum and will be presented together with the projects selected for the Sound Art Award 2013.

From the German Klangkunst-Preis to the EUROPEAN SOUNDART AWARD

Since its inception in 2002, the German Klangkunst-Preis has been awarded to artistic works focusing specifically on fostering the creative use of space and sound. In addition to the intrinsic artistic quality, acoustic assurance and sculptural certainty are above all the criteria for assessment and evaluation. Beginning in 2014, the EUROPEAN SOUNDART AWARD will expand the German Klangkunst-Preis onto a Europe-wide platform and include the entire genre of acoustic art.

The 2013 competition already incorporates the European orientation, while remaining true to the constituting principles of the German Klangkunst-Preis. Thus, the title: From the German Klangkunst-Preis to the EUROPEAN SOUNDART AWARD. This year's competition marks the founders' conclusion of the decade-long phase of the German Klangkunst-Preis.

For the Klangkunst-Preis 2013, existing artworks based on spatially influenced sound creations should be entered. A jury of experts will select works for an exhibition in the Glaskasten Marl Museum of Sculpture, to open 20 October 2013. Additionally, the same jury members will also invite a number of competing artists to Marl in the summer of 2013 to develop a concept for the creative design of the city centre. One of these concepts will be selected for completion.

The Klangkunst-Preis 2013 is to be awarded by the Museum of Sculpture Glaskasten Marl, Culture Radio wdr 3 and the Initiative Hőren.

Further information on Marler Media Art Awards 2013 and application forms can be found on:

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