RADO STAR PRIZE SWITZERLAND at Biel/Bienne Festival of Photography

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Last days to participate !

Biel/Bienne Festival of Photography
Seevorstadt 71
2502 Biel
t +41 32 322 42 45
f +41 32 322 42 45

Deadline: March 1st 2012

The new international photography prize organized by Rado Watch Co. Ltd. and the Biel/Bienne Festival of Photography is intended to create a cultural exchange between Asia and Europe. Open until 1 March 2012, the competition offers a working stay and an exhibition in China at the end of 2012. The winner will be chosen by a jury of art and photography professionals chaired by the renowned auctioneer Simon de Pury.

Initiated in September 2011, the RADO STAR PRIZE SWITZERLAND competition supports the work of a selected contemporary photographer by helping him/her to promote and showcase his/her works to their best advantage in Asia. The prize includes a return flight, travel visa, accommodation and an exhibition in China, as well as a production cost of up to CHF 10,000.

The prize winner is selected by a prestigious jury of professionals consisting of the following persons: Simon de Pury (president); auctioneer, founder and chairman of the auctioning house of Phillips de Pury & Company, London and New York; Francois Hébel, director of the Rencontres d'Arles, France; Walter Keller, editor, curator, writer and gallery owner, Zurich; Hélène Joye-Cagnard, Co-Director of the Biel/Bienne Festival of Photography and independent curator; as well as Andrea Caputo, VP Marketing of Rado Watch Co. Ltd. The jury will meet in Biel on March 31 and announce its decision in the end of April 2012.

To participate in RADO STAR PRIZE SWITZERLAND, candidates can register online at www.radostarprize.ch. The competition is open until 1 March 2012. The entries on the website are open for public voting.

from e-artnow